Graham Whiteley of Lakeland Staircases has twenty years of experience in the production of stairs, and has a commitment to quality and an eye for detail.

Previously Lakeland Staircases produced made-to-measure staircases such as Cut and Bracket, Dog-leg, Open Tread and Winder, constructed from a variety of woods including pine, oak, cherry, beech, ash and sapele.

Now Graham has moved his skills into the transformation of existing staircases, and he will create a handcrafted staircase that will enhance your home.

What ever the style, scale, or type of staircase you would like please give Graham a call on 07753188952

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Copyright LAKELAND STAIRCASES - All Rights Reserved
Lakeland Staircases, 3 Gars End, Wray, Lancaster, LA2 8QL
Tel: 07753188952
Email: lakelandstaircases@outlook.com
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